Miracle Lights
“I never knew about giving tzedakah before candle lighting before I found Project Ingnite. Baruch Hashem, once I started, we became blessed with a child after many long years of waiting. ”
Mother to Daughter
“I've been passing around the pushka to all my children before candle lighting and my children do the same. It infuses the home with serenity and heiligkeit, and welcomes in Shabbos.”
Daily Rituals
“This is something my kids started doing: When they head out to the school bus every morning, they put a coin into the Reb Meir pushka so that they’ll have a better day.”
Tried and Tested
“Our teacher has a pushka in school, so every girl can give tzedakah before a test, if they want. It always helps me do better!”
Saving a Son
“For the past year, before I take my son to therapy, I’ve been putting money in the pushka. Baruch Hashem, we’ve been seeing real nissim!!!”
New Lease on Life
“After a traumatic year, I started lighting candles and giving charity. The problems I had a few months ago have become distant memories. I feel blessed to have found this mitzvah!”